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Rs 45
Rs 82
GST :- Rs 2.15
1 Kg
Brand- Agrocops/Horticops
Agrocops Neem cake (ANC) is a residual Neem Seed Meal obtained as a residue while extracting Neem Oil from Neem Seeds (Azadirachta indica) by Cold Pressed Extraction Process. ANC is used as a very good organic fertilizer as well as used in Pest and Insect Management in Organic Farming. It contains nitrogen (2 - 5.2 %%), Phosphorus (0.6 -1.4%) and potash (1.2 -1.6%). It has fungicidal and nematocidal property. As said, ANC is rich source of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sulphur. It’s a natural product and is used for growth and a high yield of crops. The nutrient content and fertility of the soil increase when ANC is mixed with it
ANC contains the alkaloids - nimbin and nimbicidine which effectively inhibit the nitrification process.
Studies prove that with the addition of ANC to soil it alters the natural balance of some soil microorganisms (by increasing population of organic nitrogen users and Actinomycetes or decreasing population of Fungi, Nocardia, Bactoderma, and the total number of users of mineral nitrogen which include Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter.)
With regard to soil properties, it was found that ANC application significantly increases electrical conductivity, exchangeable calcium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc content
It also reduces alkalinity in soil, as it produces organic acids on decomposition. The high Azadirachtin content helps in protecting the crops against soil born insects, parasitic nematodes and as best soil conditioner.
ANC is used as an organic fertilizer because of the various micro and macro nutrients which it is composed of. At the same time it controls soil based pathogens as well as nematodes. It also inhibit nitrification of the soil plus enhance the efficiency of nitrogen providing fertilizer.
When it organically decomposes, the ANC release fatty acids, Ketones, aldehydes, Amino acids, free sulphur and carbohydrates. These affect the nematode population because the metabolites are nema-toxic in nature. Plus, the by-products of the ANC decomposing will increase the microbes in the soil and parasitic activity on nematodes. The end result is a reduced population of nematodes.
As an extra feature, ANC can manage pest control of insects and pests. This is because the cakes contain salannin, nimbin, azadirachtin and azadiradione as major components. These components cause seven types of activities to happen in the soil: Antifeedant Attractant, Repellent, Insecticide,Nematicide ,Growth disruptor and Antimicrobial.,
In short, ANC can be used as Soil conditioner, Organic fertilizer, Nitrogen saver, can be used in organic pesticides and insecticides. ANC is active in increasing the growth, leafage, results in rich blossoming, strengthening the roots and improving the general appearance & quality of fruits & vegetables. When it is ploughed into the soil it also protects plant roots from nematodes, white ants, fungi, bacteria and other soil insects.